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GMC CCKW 2½ Ton Truck - Armor Walk Around

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As war spread in Asia and war clouds gathered over Europe in the late 1930s, the US Army Quartermaster Corps set out to acquire a tough, new 2-1/2-ton tactical truck that would be up to the task of hauling modern artillery as well as troops and supplies. In the end, General Motors filled that need with its all-wheel-drive CCKW truck. The first examples rolled off GMC’s Pontiac, Michigan, assembly line in February 1941. By September 1942, the Chevrolet plant in St. Louis, Missouri, also manufactured the CCKW. This volume highlights modifications through the years of its service: a wooden truck bed to save on precious steel, an open cab to allow for more cargo room in ship holds, two designs for axles, negative electrical system, and a winch that was installed on a third of the trucks. Covers long- and short-wheelbase versions, plus cargo dump body types.